Me and Jady have been playing with artificial intelligence stuff, just messing around mostly.
It’s crazy how fast you can come up with a random idea and create around it.
Jady came up with a new word which turned out to be a “creature” and then I had it create an image of what it would look like, then Jady made a story with the Flupple and Kate. Amazing!
Prompt on ChatGPT: Create a new word that doesn’t exist and give me a definition of that word.
Respone: Flupple (noun) – A small, fluffy creature that brings joy and happiness wherever it goes. It is known for its playful personality and its soft, cuddly fur, which is said to have healing properties. Flupples are often kept as pets, and are believed to have a special connection to the spirit world. They are also known to have a mischievous streak, and are known to play tricks on their owners from time to time.
We then asked it to write a story. Here is the story ChatGPT created.
Kate and Her Flupple
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kate who lived in a cozy little house in the countryside. Kate loved nothing more than to play with her beloved pet Flupple, a small and fluffy creature with a playful personality.
Every day, Kate would take her Flupple for long walks through the fields and forests, playing games and having adventures together. The Flupple was always full of energy and mischief, and Kate couldn’t help but laugh at its antics.
But sometimes, the Flupple’s tricks could be a bit much for Kate. When it hid her favorite toy or jumped out to scare her when she least expected it, she could get a little annoyed.
Despite these moments, Kate always loved her Flupple and knew that it was just being playful. And at bedtime, when the Flupple snuggled up next to her in bed and drifted off to sleep, all was forgiven.
Kate knew that she was lucky to have such a special and loving companion in her Flupple, and she always looked forward to the adventures they would have together the next day.
Flupple in Dall•E 2